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Kids' Christmas 2020
2020 presented more challenges that anyone could have anticipated. Knowing how stressful and difficult 2020 has been for families and children, we wanted to ensure that we could still provide fun and joy to our community for Christmas, though in a safer way. As opposed to arranging a large gathering in a single location, we wanted to come up with a new way that we could deliver some joy. Literally!
We reached out to our community partners to find families that they know could especially benefit from some extra cheer. Since the sheriff's offices are typically the best with knowledge of the most in need in the community, we contacted them to get the details on families that we could "adopt" for this holiday season.
We have great relationships with all of the Sheriff's offices in the River Parishes and with the BO$$HOGG Brothers (St. James Parish), so they were all very excited to be a part of "Operation Christmas Delivery!" They all contacted their local schools and patrol officers to provide us with the details of our Christmas families.
Once the gifts were purchased, wrapped, and bagged up, the officers made the deliveries directly to the families. It was quite the show, with bells, sirens, elves, and Santa!
"The kids' faces....they were so excited! It absolutely was an amazing day!" - St. Charles Parish Sheriff's Office
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